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Product Download

All software products are running without a license for 72h (three days) after each start. This allows extended testing.

Overview which version is needed for a specific device

Web Windows and Linux
Windows and Linux
Tani License Server 1.0.1 21 MB Installer, Linux 64 bit Informations
Tani License Server 1.0.1 19 MB Installer, Linux ARM 64 bit
Tani License Server 1.0.1 19 MB Installer, Linux ARM 32 bit
Tani License Server 1.0.1 33 MB Installer, Windows 64 bit for Windows 10 and newer
Tani License Server GUI 1.0.1 5 MB Installer, Linux 64 bit
Tani License Server GUI 1.0.1 28 MB Installer, Windows 64 bit