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All software products are running without a license for 72h (three days) after each start. This allows extended testing.

Overview which version is needed for a specific device

OPC Server Windows
OPC Server
OPC Server Windows 2.10 62 MB 64 bit with configuration for Windows 10 and newer Technical data as PDF
Revision OPC Server
Revision WebConfig
Web socket content
MQTT data formats
OPC with Wonderware as .pdf
Product as Windows application .pdf
Installation Instructions as PDF
Technical data as PDF
Revision OPC Server
Revision WebConfig
Web socket content
MQTT data formats
OPC with Wonderware as .pdf
Product as Windows application .pdf
Installation Instructions as PDF
OPC Server Linux
OPC Server
OPC Server Linux Intel 2.10 24 MB 64 bit core Technical data as PDF
Revision OPC Server
Revision WebConfig
Web socket content
MQTT data formats
OPC with Wonderware as .pdf
Product as Windows application .pdf
Installation Instructions as PDF
OPC Server Linux ARM 64
Raspberry 3b+, Odroid C2
2.10 23 MB 64 bit core
OPC Server Linux ARM 32
Raspberry 1 to 3b, Odroid C1
2.10 24 MB 32 bit core
OPC Server Linux Intel
with configuration client and test client
2.10 40 MB 64 bit bundle
Technical data as PDF
Revision OPC Server
Revision WebConfig
Web socket content
MQTT data formats
OPC with Wonderware as .pdf
Product as Windows application .pdf
Installation Instructions as PDF
OPC Testclient Testclient Windows
OPC Testclient
Testclient Windows
OPC DA Test Client Windows 1.6 272 kB 32 bit, is included in OPC Server
Windows download
Installation Instructions as PDF
OPC UA Test Client Windows 2.0.7 30 MB 64 bit, is included in OPC Server
Windows download
Installation Instructions as PDF
OPC Testclient Testclient Linux
OPC Testclient
Testclient Linux
OPC UA Test Client Linux Intel 2.0.7 6 MB 64 bit Revision
Installation Instructions as PDF
Installation Instructions as PDF
OPC Toolkit OPC Toolkit
OPC Toolkit
OPC Toolkit
OPC Pipe Toolkit libraries 8 MB all systems, libraries only Technical data as PDF
OPC UA Toolkit libraries 13 MB all systems, libraries only
OPC DA Toolkit libraries 996 kB all systems, libraries only
Technical data as PDF