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August 2024

Tani takes all it's know how to PLC and its usage for a new PLC data backup system.
More info comes in November on the SPS fair in Nuremberg, Germany.

March 2024

Envent and alarm history functions added.
The OPC UA certificate management functions (GDS Push) are supported.

November 2023

Lots of extensions and optimizings are made in the OPC UA alarm management. Alarms from Siemens S7 1500 and BACnet are handled transparent, also for multiple PLC.

December 2021

Historian new. A historian stores data for later usage. Two options exist: Storing in memory for short term things, and storing in files for forensic applicatins or lon term trend usages.

June 2021

License server support new. It allows floating licenses. Additionally Docker and other modern environments this simplifies the license handling.

March 2021

IEC60870-5-104 new. This often is used in energy dispatching and in pipeline management.

February 2021

KNX/EIB new. This is known from the building automation.

September 2020

All software now available in the more optimized version 2.

March 2020

Simply to use OPC UA modeler. The created plant models directly can be transfered into a running OPC server.

November 2019

OPC UA Extended Services. So Euromap, UMATI, TMC and other standards doe industry 4.0 can be handled easily.

May 2019

WizardScript. A new JavaScript extendable wizard allows the generation of complex logic tables.

February 2019

Many extensions in BACnet as shedules.

October 2018

Support for the Mitsubishi Melsec Q family.

September 2018

S7 300 symbol import from TIA projects added.

Simple JSON interface for web based systems added.

August 2018

The OPC Toolkit are offering an expanded sample code for c# including the structure handling.

Juli 2018

The OPC UA server and UA client supports multicast discovery.

March 2018

Structures are handled as normal elements. This simplifies the usage for MES or OEE applications.
It speeds up the normal communication to the controllers. Modern controllers as the Siemens S7 1200 / 1500 and Rockwell Control Logix are addressed symbolic, so the built in optizing from lot of single elements to one structure will result in less traffic and much more speed.
The PLC Engine Collect logic tables are offering structures also. Lot of things are becoming easier wirh structures.

October 2017

New: OPC DA client.

September 2017

New: BACnet for building automation.

August 2017

Postgre SQL and ODBC support added.
Lot of other functions increase the PLC Engine Collect:

  • Create connections, variables and symbols without using the configuration software.
  • Extended diagnostics for subroutines.
  • All things which can be configured in a logic element can be a parameter also.
and much more.

March 2017

PLC Engine Collect with MQTT new. This allows accessing the IoT world.

February 2017

Customer login. Request your account, we will enable it for you. This enables accessing the price lists. All downloads are working without the registration form.

January 2017

PLC Engine Collect databases now with additional file cache. This is used in case of a broken connection to the database. If the database comes back the cached data are sent.

December 2016

PLC Engine Collect and OPC Server now support the OPC UA file functions.

November 2016

Booth on the PLC/Drives in Nuremberg.

Now we have a sales office in Asia:
Beijing Wellintech Co., Ltd.
E-Wing Center A-6F, No.113, Zhichun Rd.
Haidian Dist., Beijing, China 100086
Mobile: +86 13311508161
Tel: +86 10 59309657

Appearance on the OPC Interop. The Tani products did pass all tests.

August 2016

Siemens S7-1500 and S7-1200 access to the optimized data blocks and online symbol browsing

July 2016

Microsoft SQL database access in the PLC Engine Collect.
Siemens 1500 suports for the optimized data blocks. Additionally the symbols are browsed online from the controller.

June 2016

MySql database new in PLC Engine Collect.

May 2016

Now we have a sales office in the Netherlands:
Digitron Electronics
Griene Leane 15
NL 8734 GP Easterein
+31 6 22012036
+31 8 47580692

April 2016

The PLC Engine Collect is expanded for easier handling of RAW data.
Sensors as barcode scanner, wages and similar devices can be uses much easier in the logic tables.

March 2016

Extension OPC Server Redundancy. More security through redundant connections to the controllers and devives.
The PLC Engine Collect can use the redundant connections to controllers also.

The PLC Engine Collect now can handle sequence chains.

February 2016

New product PLC Engine. It collects data from the controllers and devices, writes them back or offers them to OPC.
In the speed bar seldom used elements ar not offered.

January 2016

The OPC Server is released for the Raspberry and Odroid computers.

November 2015

Successfully participation on the OPC Foundation interoperability. Now the Tani OPC Products are officially OPC compatible for OPC-UA and OPC-DA. This is true for the server and client functions.
Successfully tested was with 3S, ARC Informatic, Beckhoff, Bosch-Rexroth, C-Labs, Fraunhofer IOSB, Ibh-Softec, IP-Comm, RT-Tech Software, SAP SE, Siemens, Unified Automation, University Pilsen, Yokogawa.

Redesign of the website.
The downloads are showing the product version numbers. The downloaded files are containing the version numbers, too.

September 2015

Additional Sales Offices

INEE Sp. z o.o.
ul. Rybnicka 1a
44-144 Kuźnia Nieborowska
+48 (32) 235 60 96

June 2015

The Tani OPC Server now supports Rockwell controllers with firmware after 20.
The software detects the controller type automatically

Additional diagnostics are available now. In the new topic "System" for S7 and Rockwell controllers the controller programming mode is shown. Some more values from the PLC are available, too: Statistics of send and received data, the controller name and plant name and more.

April 2015

The Tani OPC Server now supports OPC UA.

The configuration is as simple as before.

OPC UA can be used as gateway to old OPC applications which are using OPC Classic only. So an OPC Classic application can access OPC UA devices. OPC UA applications can access OPC Classic only OPC servers.

This allows OPC UA Linux and Android and IOS applications accessing PLC and OPC on Windows PC.