Creation date: 2019.7.1, last modified 2022.2.15
Technical Data Opc Server
The Tani OPC Server is a multi protocol and multi OPC server. It allows access to controllers and devices from various manufacturers. It is easily to configure. It offers a lot of diagnostics functions.
OPC Interfaces
- OPC Pipe Open interface
- OPC UA (Unified Architecture)
- OPC DA (Classic OPC over DCOM, available under Windows only)
The maximum number of OPC clients is depending on used resources only. A PC
from 2014 can handle multiple hundred connections.
All OPC interfaces are working locally in one PC or over network.
in case of Classic OPC Classic please do not use DCOM over networks, but it
will be supported.
OPC UA supports the fast binary protocol. Security is supported in all variants. Multicast discovery is supported.
Data access data items are supported up to 200K each.
OPC UA functionality and limitations
The OPC UA implementation conforms to the specification 1.05.
The OPC UA Standard Model is supported, some extensions exist.
The maximum single request and answerlen is 16m
The OPC UA Alarms & Conditions module is supported. This includes filters, history.
An internal discovery server is active on standard, it supports multicast discovery also.
It can be used as a global discovery server.
Alternatively an external discovery server can be configured.
Reverse connections are supported.
The certificate management GDS Push is supported.
The session timeout will be limited to one hour.
The server and client certificate will be renewed if the Tani self signed certificate is used. All other certificates remain unaffected on expiring.
The certificate validity is checked all 12h.
It will be renewed seven days before it expires.
Running connections will not be affected, new connections will use the new certificate.
AddNodes is supported with the following restrictions:
- Reference type must be OpcUaId_Organizes
- NodeId can't be specified
- BrowseName can't contain a dot
- NodeClass must be Variable or Object
- NodeAttributes for Variable:
- DisplayName: unspecified or equal to BrowseName
- Description: unspecified or any text
- Value: is ignored; new variables will always be initialized to 0 (if numeric) or "" (if string type)
- DataType:
- OpcUaType_Boolean
- OpcUaType_SByte, OpcUaType_Byte
- OpcUaType_Int16/32/64, OpcUaType_UInt16/32/64
- OpcUaType_Float, OpcUaType_Double
- OpcUaType_String
- OpcUaType_LocalizedString. This will be handled outside OPC UA as a normal string. The LocaldId always is a null string
- OpcUaType_DateTime
- OpcUaType_ExtendedObject, OpcUaType_ExtendedObjectEx. Mostly this are structures. One of the structure types under Types -> DataTypes -> BaseDataType -> Structure -> UserStructures; these are the structures known to the PLC Engine core.
- if the structure is given both here and via TypeDefinition, both settings must match
- if unspecified, OpcUaType_Byte or the structure type of the TypeDefinition is used
- ValueRank, ArrayDimensions: unspecified (= scalar), scalar or a one-dimensional array of any size
- AccessLevel, UserAccessLevel: unspecified or (OpcUa_AccessLevels_CurrentRead | OpcUa_AccessLevels_CurrentWrite)
- MinimumSamplingInterval: unspecified or 0
- WriteMask, UserWriteMask: unspecified or OpcUa_NodeAttributesMask_Value
- NodeAttributes for Object:
- DisplayName: unspecified or equal to BrowseName
- Description: unspecified or any text
- EventNotifier, WriteMask, UserWriteMask: unspecified or 0
- TypeDefinition for Variable:
- OpcUaId_BaseDataVariableType
- one of the structure types under Types -> VariableTypes -> BaseVariableType -> BaseDataVariableType -> UserStructures; these are the structures known to the PLC Engine core.
- TypeDefinition for Object:
- OpcUaId_FolderType
- Each RPC as a calling queue of 10. If the requests are coming faster before handled they will return a memory error.
Machine models from the OPC Foundation or the VDMA directly can be loaded with its corresponding XML file.
The security certificate key minimum length are
- Basic128Rsa15: RSA Key Length 1024 .. 4096
- Basic256: RSA Key Length 1024 .. 4096
- Basic256Sha256: RSA Key Length 2048 .. 4096
- Aes128Sha256RsaOaep: RSA Key Length 2048 .. 4096
- Aes256Sha256RsaPss: RSA Key Length 2048 .. 4096
Traffic between different OPC interfaces (tunneling) is supported. It will be used for the OPC DA tunnels.
Controller Interfaces
All controllers will be connected over network. Often this is Ethernet, WLAN or other networks. All serial Ethernet and MPI Ethernet gateways for industrial controllers usage are supported.
Configuration Interfaces
The configuration can be done with the shipped configuration software or over OPC with the System topic.The connection for the configuration is encrypted with TLS 1.2. The encryption can be switched off for usage in countries where encryption is forbidden.
Network Redundancy for connections to controllers and devices
Connections to devices and controllers are supporting network redundancy.
Double and triple redundancy can be selected.
Two redundancy operation modi are possible.
In dynamic redundancy any of the connections is working as master. If it breaks another connection becomes the master connection.
In static redundancy the first connection is the master. If it breaks another connection becomes the master. If the first connection works again it will become the master connection again.
The connections of the redundancy should work on different network adapters.The adapters need different IP subnets for properly work.
Controller Types and Controller Protocols
- Siemens S7 1200 and 1500 family. The optimized data blocks are supported, also structures, alarms, events. All symbols and comments are browsed online. The 2021 PLC firmware 2.9 works fine, the version 3.x from 2022 also.
- Siemens S7 over RFC1006 and Sinec H1. Supported are S7 200, 300 and 400, Logo 8, ET200. Siemens CP or the Ethernet interface onboard the CPU can be used. Mainstream MPI Gateways as Hilscher Netlink, Helmholz Netlink, IBH Softec Netlink, INAT Echolink, Process Informatik S7Lan or Softing Netlink are supported, too. S7 compatible systems as VIPA Speed7 can be used, too.
- Siemens S5 over RFC1006, PLC Header, RAW or Sinec H1. Supported are Siemens CPs, INAT CPs, Helmholz CPs, IBH Softec S5Net, Process Informatik S5Lan.
- Rockwell Compact Logix, Control Logix and GuardLogix, all firmware versions.
Rockwell Micro 8 series as the 800, 810, 820 and more.
Rockwell PLC5 and SLC series, all firmware versions.
Routing paths are fully supported. This enables connecting to any PLC and accessing other PLC connected to an internal bus as DH+. So you will reach a PLC5 as example over another Rockwell as a CompactLogiX as router. - GE PACSystems from General Electric. This controller family works with CIP from Rockwell.
- Mitsubishi Melsec Q, QL and FX5 family using the SLMP protocol (3E protocol).
- BACnet devices. BACnet is common used in building automation. BBMD and COV, alarms, events, trend, calendar, shedule, rpc, lists and more are supported.
- KNX. KNX also is used in building automation. All known symbol imports are supported.
- Devices using the Modbus TCP protocol.
- Modicon
- Schneider
- Wago
- Beckhoff
- Phoenix Contact
- Omron
- B&R
- Fanuc
- MQTT version 3 and 5. For the OPC usage a simple item syntax odders the IoT world.
- IEC 60870-5-104. This often is used in long distance management of energy, oil and water.
- All systems and devices which can be accessed with OPC UA or Classic OPC. OPC server and client are available.
- Raw data. This are data which do not have any format by a standard.
BACnet will be used over IP / UDP.
Maximum length of strings: 256 Byte
Status text elements are supported (state_text)
Supported charsets: UTF-8, UTF-16, Latin-1
Unions ("Choice") and structures ("Sequence") are existing for important values as trend, shedule, calendar, prioriry.
The trend data are offered as history data.
All unimplemented instances will not be shown.
Enum values are represented as UINT32. Some special enum are handled as bool.
Values in "Octet-String" and "Bit-String" can be written in whole only.
BBMD (BACnet Broadcast Management Device) details
BBMD will be used during the connection establishing and the device search
if the devices do not be all in the same collision domain.
BACnet uses broadcast during ist connection establishing.
There are several procedures in BBMD:
- Search ussing broadcast.
- Search using the IP device address, receive the BACnet ID.
- Search using the BACnet id, receice the IP address.
COV (Change Of Values) details
COV represents the event subsystem of BACnet.
Events will be offered in browsing the variables, they will be subscribed.
If the device will send the data the event will be generated.
Because BACnet is working with UDP the COV receive can not be guaranteed.
Tani is offering an option: If no event will be received during the reconnection time from the configured connection it will be polled.
If the value did not change no event is send for this polling.
BACnet - Writing values with priority-array
These object types have a priority-array in addition to their present-value property:- analog-output
- analog-value
- binary-output
- binary-value
- multi-state-output
- multi-state-value
- access-door
- priority-array is read-only and contains 16 entries (that can be a valid value or NULL).
- present-value is read-write and contains 1 value (the non-NULL value with the lowest priority from priority-array, or the value from relinquish-default if no non-NULL value in priority-array exists).
- Writing to present-value uses an optional priority parameter to write to the correct entry in priority-array.
- priority-array is read-write and contains 16 structure entries with 2 fields:
* Value: the data value in this entry (or 0 if no valid value is present)
* ValueValid: a boolean value; 1 if Value is valid, 0 if not (NULL value). - Writing to an element of priority-array implicitly uses a "write present-value with priority" operation to change the desired value.
- Writing to priority-array[i].Value always creates a non-NULL entry.
- Writing 0 to priority-array[i].ValueValid creates a NULL entry.
- Writing 1 to priority-array[i].ValueValid creates a non-NULL entry with value 0 (this is usually not very useful).
- Writing to priority-array[i] (as a structured data type) creates a NULL entry when ValueValid is 0. Else a non-NULL entry with the specified Value is created.
- present-value is read-write and contains the value obtained by BACnet protocol.
- Writing to present-value doesn't transfer the priority parameter. The BACnet device will implicitly write to priority entry 16 in this case.
This mechanism was chosen to allow choosing the write priority via OPC without changing the read syntax for present-value property. This also allows writing NULL values via OPC.
Implemented Properties
The following object properties are implemented:
Object Type | Property | BACnet Type | OPC Type | Remarks |
all | all | BACnetObjectIdentifier | UInt32 | |
all | all | Bit String | Array of Boolean | |
all | all | Boolean | Boolean | |
all | all | Character String | String | |
all | all | Double | Double | |
all | all | Enumerated | UInt32 | |
all | all | Octet String | Array of UInt8 | |
all | all | Real | Float | |
all | all | Signed | Int32 | |
all | all | Unsigned | UInt32 | |
all | Change of State Time (16) | BACnetDateTime | DateTime | |
all | Event Time Stamps (130) | Sequence of BACnetTimeStamp | Array of Structure "Timestamp" | |
all | Object Type (79) | BACnetObjectType | UInt32 | |
all | Time of Active Time Reset (114) | BACnetDateTime | DateTime | |
all | Time of State Count Reset (115) | BACnetDateTime | DateTime | |
Access Door (30) | Door Alarm State (226) | BACnetDoorAlarmState | UInt32 | |
Access Door (30) | Present Value (85) | BACnetDoorValue | UInt32 | |
Access Door (30) | Priority Array (87) | BACnetPriorityArray | Array(1..16) of Structure "UnsignedPriorityValue" | see section "Priority Array" |
Access Door (30) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Analog Input (0) | Present Value (85) | Real | Float | |
Analog Input (0) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Analog Output (1) | Present Value (85) | Real | Float | |
Analog Output (1) | Priority Array (87) | BACnetPriorityArray | Array(1..16) of Structure "AnalogPriorityValue" | see section "Priority Array" |
Analog Output (1) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Analog Value (2) | Present Value (85) | Real | Float | |
Analog Value (2) | Priority Array (87) | BACnetPriorityArray | Array(1..16) of Structure "AnalogPriorityValue" | see section "Priority Array" |
Analog Value (2) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Averaging (18) | Maximum Value Timestamp (149) | BACnetDateTime | DateTime | |
Averaging (18) | Minimum Value Timestamp (150) | BACnetDateTime | DateTime | |
Binary Input (3) | Present Value (85) | BACnetBinaryPV | UInt32 | |
Binary Input (3) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Binary Output (4) | Present Value (85) | BACnetBinaryPV | UInt32 | |
Binary Output (4) | Priority Array (87) | BACnetPriorityArray | Array(1..16) of Structure "UnsignedPriorityValue" | see section "Priority Array" |
Binary Output (4) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Binary Value (5) | Present Value (85) | BACnetBinaryPV | UInt32 | |
Binary Value (5) | Priority Array (87) | BACnetPriorityArray | Array(1..16) of Structure "UnsignedPriorityValue" | see section "Priority Array" |
Binary Value (5) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Calendar (6) | Datelist (23) | List of BACnetCalendarEntry | Array() of Structure "BACnet.CalendarEntry" | |
Device (8) | Last Restore Time (87) | BACnetTimeStamp | Structure "Timestamp" | |
Device (8) | Local Date (56) | Date | Structure "Date" | |
Device (8) | Local Time (57) | Time | Structure "Time" | |
Device (8) | Object List (76) | Sequence of BACnetObjectIdentifier | Array of UInt32 | |
Device (8) | Protocol Object Types Supported (96) | BACnetObjectTypesSupported | Array of Boolean | |
Device (8) | Protocol Services Supported (97) | BACnetServicesSupported | Array of Boolean | |
Device (8) | Segmentation Supported (107) | BACnetSegmentation | UInt32 | |
Device (8) | System Status (112) | BACnetDeviceStatus | UInt32 | |
Device (8) | Time of Device Restart (203) | BACnetTimeStamp | Structure "Timestamp" | |
Event Enrollment (9) | Object Property Reference (78) | BACnetDeviceObjectPropertyReference | Structure "DeviceObjectPropertyReference" | |
File (10) | Modification Date (149) | BACnetDateTime | DateTime | |
Life Safety Point (21) | Present Value (85) | BACnetLifeSafetyState | UInt32 | |
Life Safety Point (21) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Life Safety Zone (22) | Present Value (85) | BACnetLifeSafetyState | UInt32 | |
Life Safety Zone (22) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Load Control (28) | Actual Shed Level (212) | BACnetShedLevel | Structure "ShedLevel" | |
Load Control (28) | Duty Window (213) | Unsigned | UInt32 | |
Load Control (28) | Expected Shed Level (214) | BACnetShedLevel | Structure "ShedLevel" | |
Load Control (28) | Present Value (85) | BACnetShedState | UInt32 | |
Load Control (28) | Requested Shed Level (218) | BACnetShedLevel | Structure "ShedLevel" | |
Load Control (28) | Shed Duration (219) | Unsigned | UInt32 | |
Load Control (28) | Start Time (142) | BACnetDateTime | DateTime | |
Loop (12) | Controlled Variable Reference (19) | BACnetDeviceObjectPropertyReference | Structure "DeviceObjectPropertyReference" | |
Loop (12) | Manipulated Variable Reference (60) | BACnetDeviceObjectPropertyReference | Structure "DeviceObjectPropertyReference" | |
Loop (12) | Setpoint Reference (109) | BACnetSetpointReference | Structure "SetpointReference" | |
Loop (12) | Present Value (85) | Real | Float | |
Loop (12) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Multi State Input (13) | Alarm Values (7) | Sequence of Unsigned | Array of UInt32 | |
Multi State Input (13) | Fault Values (39) | Sequence of Unsigned | Array of UInt32 | |
Multi State Input (13) | Present Value (85) | Unsigned | UInt32 | |
Multi State Input (13) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Multi State Output (14) | Present Value (85) | Unsigned | UInt32 | |
Multi State Output (14) | Priority Array (87) | BACnetPriorityArray | Array(1..16) of Structure "UnsignedPriorityValue" | see section "Priority Array" |
Multi State Output (14) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Multi State Value (19) | Alarm Values (7) | Sequence of Unsigned | Array of UInt32 | |
Multi State Value (19) | Fault Values (39) | Sequence of Unsigned | Array of UInt32 | |
Multi State Value (19) | Present Value (85) | Unsigned | UInt32 | |
Multi State Value (19) | Priority Array (87) | BACnetPriorityArray | Array(1..16) of Structure "UnsignedPriorityValue" | see section "Priority Array" |
Multi State Value (19) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Notification Class (15) | Recipient List (102) | List of BACnetDestination | Array() of Structure "BACnet.Destination" | |
Schedule (17) | Effective Period (32) | BACnetDateRange | Structure "DateRange" | |
Schedule (17) | Exception Schedule (38) | Sequence of BACnetSpecialEvent | Array of Structure "SpecialEvent" | |
Schedule (17) | List of Object Property References (54) | Sequence of BACnetDeviceObjectPropertyReference | Array of Structure "DeviceObjectPropertyReference" | |
Schedule (17) | Present Value (85) | ABSTRACT-SYNTAX.&Type | Structure "Any" | |
Schedule (17) | Schedule Default (174) | ABSTRACT-SYNTAX.&Type | Structure "Any" | |
Schedule (17) | Weekly Schedule (123) | Sequence Size(7) Of BACnetDailySchedule | 7 sub-objects ("Monday", "Tuesday", ...) of Structure "TimeValue" | |
Pulse Converter (24) | Present Value (85) | Real | Float | |
Pulse Converter (24) | Status Flags (111) | BACnetStatusFlags | Array(0..3) of Boolean | |
Structured View (29) | Subordinate List (211) | Sequence of BACnetDeviceObjectReference | Array of Structure "DeviceObjectReference" | |
Trend Log (20) | Client COV Increment (127) | BACnetClientCov | Structure "ClientCov" | |
Trend Log (20) | Log Buffer (131) | BACnetLogRecord | Structure "LogRecord" | Accessed via "HistoryRead" function, "Read" shows only one record. |
Trend Log (20) | Log Device Object Property (132) | BACnetDeviceObjectPropertyReference | Structure "DeviceObjectPropertyReference" | |
Trend Log (20) | Start Time (142) | BACnetDateTime | DateTime | |
Trend Log (20) | Stop Time (143) | BACnetDateTime | DateTime |
KNX will be used over IP / TCP and IP / UDP.
The symbol import is using the standarized ESF files.
Logger for diagnostics
The OPC Server contains a logger for diagnostics purposes during plant startup. The logger can be configured. The system load can be big if all controller data in big plants are logged.
Maximum number of configurable client connections: 4000.
Maximum length of a single item: 4GB.
Maximum number of elements each connection: 1 million.
Maximum number of elements (Items): 16 million.
Maximum OPC groups each connection: 100.
Maximum number of passive connection for each port is 999.
The OPC synchronous functions returning a bad quality immediately if the PLC
connection is not established.
Changes in controller configuration will be checked all 10 seconds if the PLC does not offer a mechanism for this check during write.
Fields can be up to 64K in length each.
Multi dimensional arrays can have up to six dimensions.
Virtual Connections
Virtual connections provide a start point mostly used as destination for redirects.
A virtual connection has connection rights. The redirect destination in this connection will offer the rignts of the virtual connection.
As in the logic tables and the status variable lists the source rights are ignored.
Symbols for the virtual connection can be defined in the symbol editor.
One PLC element can be used once in one virtual connection.
Simulation of PLC connections
Connections and their data can be simulated.
Read data creates the elements with value zero. Write will change the content. The changed values will be returned as new data.
- Strings can be written up to 16 bytes
- Suffixes will not be handled
- Date and time are supported limited
The throughput will be mainly limited by the controller speed or the
reaction time of OPC applications.
Read requests to the controller will be optimized as much the controller is
supporting this. For that elements will be collected to blocks reading more
than requested, but not for inputs and outputs. These optimizing can be
affected by configuration separately for each connection. Optimizing can be
switched off, too.
Write requests to the controller are collected or handled in that order the
application did called the system.
On OPC all optimizing the individual OPC uses is supported.
The normal time in cyclic controller requests is 50ms.It can be faster if
the controller polling interval is set to zero.
Only data are sent to OPC which did change in the controller between two
read requests.
Field and text optimizings
The from version 1.8 existing field optimizings will prevent reading the long fields too often, the index is requested on standard only.This optimizing bases of the fact that the index does net changed too frequently.
Usage of memory
- Program code: A minimum of 6MB is used. The exactly memory usage is depending of the internal behavior of the operating systems. So dynamic libraries are loaded once for all running instances using them. Example: If the standard library is not loaded already it will use additional 4MB of memory.
- User data: The minimum data usage is 2MB internally. Additional the controller data are held in memory for comparing new data. Each item uses the length of data and additional 64 bytes. Each configured connection occupies 4KB.
Usage of computation time
The consumed computation time is depending on the load with communication.
Most the time it will be waited for controller data or OPC application
All software is working with events. This maximizes the throughput and
minimizes the usage of computation time.
Multiple CPU are supported. Up to ten CPU will be used, the main work will
be handled by three CPU.
The installation does depending on the product install multiple parts
separately. On uninstall not all products are deleted automatically. But all
installed products can be deleted over the menu or the software part in the
system control manager.
The user settings will be preserved and not deleted during uninstall.
Automatic structure import
Type Auto-Import works for all client protocols that are able to use structures/enumerations and have online browsing functions. This includes:
- OpcPipe
- Siemens S7-1500
- Rockwell CompactLogix/ControlLogix/MicroLogix
- IEC104
These protocols have a fixed list of structures and don't need Auto-Import:
- BACnet
These protocols have online browsing, but don't use structures/enumerations:
All other protocols don't have online browsing.
Type Auto-Import is implemented in two steps:
- A structure or enumeration type which has not been imported is assigned a Node ID when:
- the Item is being monitored (by calling CreateMonitoredItems):
- the Item is being read/written (by calling Read/Write):
- the Item is being registered (by calling RegisterNodes):
- the DataType attribute of an Item with this type is accessed:
- A structure or enumeration type which has not been imported is actually imported when:
- the Item is being monitored (by calling CreateMonitoredItems):
- the Item is being read/written (by calling Read/Write):
- the Item is being registered (by calling RegisterNodes):
- the DataTypeDefinition attribute of the DataType node is read (after it has been created by step 1):
- the EnumValues property node is read (for Enumerations, after it has been created by step 1):
Before Auto-Import Step 1, any types that have not been imported yet:
- are not available anywhere
Before Auto-Import Step 2, any types that have not been imported yet:
- have a DataType Node ID assigned
- are not browseable in Types/DataTypes/BaseDataType/Structure/UserStructures or Types/DataTypes/BaseDataType/Enumeration
- are not present in the XML data in Types/DataTypes/OPC Binary/UserStructures
- are not browseable in Types/VariableTypes/BaseVariableType/BaseDataVariableType/UserStructures
- don't have the type comment available
- don't have Encoding Node IDs available
After Auto-Import Step 2:
- the newly imported types behaves exactly as any manually imported type
- if the type later changes in the source systen, the import cache will NOT be updated
A client wishing to use a variable with a structure/enumeration type that has not been imported should
- either read the DataType attribute of the variable, then read the DataTypeDefinition attribute/EnumValues property of the type node,
- or monitor/read the Value attribute of the variable before checking the data types
to trigger the type import. Only after completing one of these the structure type is available in the server.
Operating systems
- Windows 10, 11 (all versions). Older versions as Vista and Windows 7/8 also. 64 and on older Windows 32 bit.
- Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022.
- Linux on the Raspberry and Odroid computers (64 and 32 bit).
- Linux on many Phytec devices as the Regor and Tauri S (32 bit) and Tauri L (64 bit).
- Linux on a PC with Debian, Ubuntu, Suse, Arch, Centos, Redhat and other Distributions.
- Linux 64 Bit as Docker or Kubernetes or Containerd Container.
- OPC DA will require Microsoft Windows. All from Microsoft supported operating systems for Intel and all user languages will be supported. The latest service pack must be present.
- OPC DA will require minimum of 2 CPU cores for a good performance.
- Under Windows the OPC server are working as service, Linux runs them as daemon.
- The Raspberry version supports all Linux distributions offered for this platform.
- All other will run under lot of operation systems also, mostly Linux based.
- Under Linux the OPC Server needs a POSIX compatible System. The Standard Library needs V2.2 as minimum. The configuration software is bases on KDE 5 and is needing the kdelibs. Please use actual distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, Suse, Redhat or similar. Tested is: Windows Intel 32 and 64 bit, Linux Intel 32 and 64 Bit, Linux MIPS 32 CPU, Linux ARM 32 and 64 Bit CPU.
- Running in virtual machines is supported. Docker or Kubernetes containers are supported, too.
- Windows 7 needs as minimum service pack 1 for using the drivers. All Windows service packs for SHA512 must be installed.
- The web based configuration will run on actual browsers as Firefox, Chrome, Safari on any platform. It should be newer than 5 years. The browser need support SVG graphics, CSS and JavaScript for the responsive design. Mobile browsers can be used also.
All configurations are compatible to all OPC servers, also over mixed operating systems.