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Take off. Save energy. Tani OPC for Embedded Systems

Products around OPC, SCADA and PLC - Tani has the simple solution

Siemens S7 1500 and BACnet alarms native with the native PLC protocol OPC UA alarm system directly offers all alarms from Siemens and BACnet.
Simple SCADA in your browser Now with a historian trend element. All runs in your browser, also the editor and OPC server configuration.
Historian Stores long term data on files or into memory. The base for trend curves, OEE and more. In OPC UA now the history functions are supported.
Euromap, UMATI and PackML with PLC Engine Collect. This and other UA standards facilitate industry 5.0. Be flexible. Make your machines fit for the future.

Product Highlights

More and more devices in industry require data from a running plant. This is important e.g. for dispatchers sending data into a cloud.
Tani offers OPC server, database access, data collection, alarm management and calculation and PLC access for your system or device also. If you are a supplier and need access to industrial controllers, sensors and other devices Tani is open for your requests. We would be happy to tell you how a connection can be technically implemented via the effort involved.

We are working conforming to actual stanrards as ISO 27001 for the IT security and IEC 62443 for plant safety.

We are member in the following organizations

OPC Foundation OPC Foundation Logo